City polyclinic № 68

Full name
State budget institution of healthcare "City polyclinic No. 68 of the Department of health of Moscow"
The actual address
119180, Moscow, Malaya Yakimanka, 22, bld. 1
Chief doctor - Kuzenkova Natalia N.
the Reception of citizens:
Monday from 15:00 to 20:00
Thursday from 9:00 to 13:00
A single help Desk for an appointment to the doctor, call the emergency information on the establishment of paid services and the services of the OMS, and on order of attachment – 122
calling a doctor to the house is via a centralized call center GBUZ "GP no. 68 DZM": 122
Official website
Working hours:
Monday - Friday from 8-00 to 20-00
Saturday - from 9-00 to 18-00
Sunday from 9-00 to 16-00

Государственное бюджетное учреждение здравоохранения города Москвы
Городская поликлиника № 68 Департамента здравоохранения города Москвы ГБУЗ "ГП № 68 ДЗМ"
Главный врач: Кузенкова Наталья Николаевна
Адрес: 119180, Москва, Малая Якиманка, 22, корп. 1
© ГБУЗ "ГП № 68 ДЗМ", 2016-2025